Building community means more than buildings.

The partners of Signature Developments do more than build developments.
They build community.
To the families of Signature Developments, building community means continuing a long family history of quietly giving back.
One or more of the families have given back to many major Prince Albert projects over the years. They’ve even given back to a project several times.
PA Winter Festival
Alfred Jenkins Field House
Rotary Trail
Hope’s Home
Victoria Hospital Foundation
Habitat for Humanity
Prince Albert Food Bank
Project Triple Play
Jenkins Adventure Park
Max Power ball parks
Max Clunie Field – Friday Night Lights campaign
Art Hauser
EA Rawlinson
new Rotary Adventure Park
beach volley ball courts
Rose Garden Hospice
Prince Albert SPCA
several Prince Albert community centers
countless local kids’ sports teams
Boreal Hospital Foundation (formerly Victoria Hospital Foundation)

Building community beyond Prince Albert
Signature Developments have built major civil engineering projects across Canada. They extend their community kindnesses beyond their own community.
Over the years, one or more of the partners has given to: Threads of Life, PBR, Canadian Challenge, Jim Pattison provincial Children’s Hospital, Ducks Unlimited, Stars Air Ambulance, National Girls Soccer, and the Mintos Telus Cup.
What the families might be most proud of...

One community kindness that the families might be most proud of is what Rusty proudly refers to as the “Feed the Kids Initiative”. Formally called the Feeding Our Future Program, the families do this in partnership with Lakeland Ford, Conexus Credit Union, Lakeland Hyundai and Lake Country Co-op. Each school day in PA, all kids in need from K to 8 – in both the public and separate school divisions – can have lunch provided to them. If you’ve had a child or grandchild in school in K to 8 in Prince Albert over the past few years, and they ate the emergency school provided lunch, it was actually Signature Developments that happily made it all happen. In 2022, they provided over 58,000 school lunches for kids in grades K to 8 right here in Prince Albert. The partners were central in the start up of this initiative and have been giving generously to it since the very beginning.