Saskatchewan Marshals will be based in Prince Albert
One of the great things all coming together for this community is that the Saskatchewan Marshals will be based in Prince Albert. This was announced by Evan Bray on CKOM radio at the end of November.
Every city across Canada and across the world is facing increased crime and gang activity. Here at home, the province of Saskatchewan is being proactive. The provincial government is creating a new Marshals Service.
The Saskatchewan Marshals Service will assist the police departments in all of our cities and the Federal RCMP with cutting down gangs and crime.
This is location in the province makes great sense. Gang activity affects the entire province. Being at the most central city in all directions will make the Marshals able to react quickly in all directions.
This is a positive thing happening for the future of our city. This means more good new jobs will be based out of our city. It will make all communities in Saskatchewan safer. Prince Albert will be seen as the center for community safety!
Here’s an earlier announcement: Saskatchewan to introduce new police across province: throne speech |
Our city is on the cusp of a big economic boom. All of these good new jobs in our big expanded hospital and the provincial Marshals service will result in a need for new housing. PA will experience a housing boom.
Here’s the latest news story on the Service: Government Takes Next Step to Implement Marshals Service Updates SIRT Legislation | News and Media | Government of Saskatchewan
We need to tell the whole world about all of the amenities we already have and all the amenities we’re building. Prince Albert has a very bright future ahead.